3 years is a long time to be with someone especially at a young age when you haven’t even started your life yet, spending almost every single day of our life’s together pretty sure my boyfriend knows me better then I know myself and I can’t thank him enough for sticking by my side through some of the hardest times of my life, without you I honestly don’t think I would still be here, probably the luckiest girl to have you by my side @byron_chester

Posted: January 12, 2014 in 3 years is a long time to be with someone especially at a young age when you haven't even started your life yet, IFTT, probably the luckiest girl to have you by my side @byron_chester, spending almost every single day of our life's together pretty sure my boyfriend knows me better then I know myself and I can't thank him eno, without you I honestly don't think I would still be here
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3 years is a long time to be with someone especially at a young age when you haven’t even started your life yet, spending almost every single day of our life’s together pretty sure my boyfriend knows me better then I know myself and I can’t thank him enough for sticking by my side through some of the hardest times of my life, without you I honestly don’t think I would still be here, probably the luckiest girl to have you by my side @byron_chester by leahcohennn http://instagram.com/p/jDXaQWD_C_/

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