Archive for the ‘stop’ Category

Don’t ever let the F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) of striking out, stop you from playing the game. Day 11 #bowpose for #yogisangels #happynewyoga challenge #tightntonefitness #yoga

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Acting with arrogance as if you are invincible.. Good God Stop making yourself the center of attention cause this world does not revolve around you!! We are all humans and no one is better than any other no matter the age skin color or race we are different by the good we do which only God sees so just stop being nauseatingly pretentious!!!! Humility people HUMILITY!!!! #RealityCheck

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My leather came to visit me!The girl I pour my heart out to.The one that was there to witness my stupid mistakes and to stop me from committing more.Never erase her from your life because it will be an incredible mistake! @thesecretjojo ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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