Archive for the ‘sydney’ Category

Мама в мечтах:) Mom’s dreaming about smth:) #bluemountains #australia #sydney

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After being away from my camera for approx 3 months, i was adamant that ill be up and out this morning regardless of the conditions. Conditions were supposed to be some decent high cloud and an incoming tide. i arrived and the cloud was diminishing before my eyes. I ventured out to a different part of Little Bay i haven’t been to before (not in this picture), and that was the start of a very bumpy morning. I had little difficulty getting to the location, just had to rush between the waves as they passed by. The other condition of the incoming tide, yeah i kinda forgot about that. in the process of getting soaked completely and also wetting my gear, the tide had risen high enough to mask out the trail i used to get to where i was. took me an extra 45 minutes to get out saf… well, somewhat safely. Not what i had in mind for the first image of the year but it felt great to be out! ISO100|f/11|10secs|16mm Lee 1.2 Soft Gradual Filter was used in this image. Follow me on: Facebook Flickr Instagram

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Standing strong and tall.

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Walking to Gordon’s Bay and passed a beautiful vine growing over someone’s backyard fence.

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Laying on an old jetty at Gordon’s Bay Beach.

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Stopped along the beach walk at Gordon’s Bay Beach, Sydney, Australia.

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We don’t get much wildlife bigger than macro-size here in Stanmore, being a few kilometers from the CBD in Sydney, but we DO have these glorious birds. These shots are straight from the camera- no cropping or any adjustments at all. Not to bad from the baby of the Fujifilm X range.

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