Archive for the ‘attention’ Category

Daily Meditation: What do you really want in life? Don’t just answer. Listen to your natural intuition and then investigate it. Explore. Question. If you’re answer is a material thing throw it out. Get down to the core of what it is you want in your life, break it down to its smallest elements. If you do this what you’re likely to find is its simply, to be happy. This is what every human in the history of humanity wants. So, what are you doing about it? Where does happiness lie on your list of priorities? In life we don’t get something of value without giving something of value. Do you buy your coffee because you, “Have to have it?” Do you complain about a coworker or “friend” you don’t really like? But can you name something you do consistently, at least daily, in an active, engaged pursuit of happiness? Whether its your time, attention, money, resources, opportunities to do other things all things have a cost. So if you’re answers to the previous questions were, “Well I don’t know.” or perhaps, “Nothing.” that is exactly what you’re going to get. I don’t say this as a punitive statement. I say it to aid a shift in perspective. We all want something for cheap. But the really important things in life, the best things, don’t come that way. We give our time to them, our attention, our focus. We even make sacrifices in order to achieve or preserve them. Our life is so extremely precious and its fleeting nature demands action if we are to gain that which we seek. To really realize this and to actively work towards a sincerely happy, fulfilling life is to understand the value of our existence. You get out what you put in. Start structuring your time to reflect the importance of happiness in your life. Start building a foundation for lasting and sustainable personal fulfillment. Happiness will be worth it.

Posted: April 13, 2014 in attention, dailyquote, IFTT, money
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Daily Meditation:

What do you really want in life? Don’t just answer. Listen to your natural intuition and then investigate it. Explore. Question. If you’re answer is a material thing throw it out. Get down to the core of what it is you want in your life, break it down to its smallest elements. If you do this what you’re likely to find is its simply, to be happy. This is what every human in the history of humanity wants.

So, what are you doing about it? Where does happiness lie on your list of priorities? In life we don’t get something of value without giving something of value. Do you buy your coffee because you, “Have to have it?” Do you complain about a coworker or “friend” you don’t really like? But can you name something you do consistently, at least daily, in an active, engaged pursuit of happiness? Whether its your time, attention, money, resources, opportunities to do other things all things have a cost. So if you’re answers to the previous questions were, “Well I don’t know.” or perhaps, “Nothing.” that is exactly what you’re going to get.

I don’t say this as a punitive statement. I say it to aid a shift in perspective. We all want something for cheap. But the really important things in life, the best things, don’t come that way. We give our time to them, our attention, our focus. We even make sacrifices in order to achieve or preserve them. Our life is so extremely precious and its fleeting nature demands action if we are to gain that which we seek. To really realize this and to actively work towards a sincerely happy, fulfilling life is to understand the value of our existence.

You get out what you put in. Start structuring your time to reflect the importance of happiness in your life. Start building a foundation for lasting and sustainable personal fulfillment. Happiness will be worth it.

Daily Meditation: What do you really want in life? Don’t just answer. Listen to your natural intuition and then investigate it. Explore. Question. If you’re answer is a material thing throw it out. Get down to the core of what it is you want in your life, break it down to its smallest elements. If you do this what you’re likely to find is its simply, to be happy. This is what every human in the history of humanity wants. So, what are you doing about it? Where does happiness lie on your list of priorities? In life we don’t get something of value without giving something of value. Do you buy your coffee because you, “Have to have it?” Do you complain about a coworker or “friend” you don’t really like? But can you name something you do consistently, at least daily, in an active, engaged pursuit of happiness? Whether its your time, attention, money, resources, opportunities to do other things all things have a cost. So if you’re answers to the previous questions were, “Well I don’t know.” or perhaps, “Nothing.” that is exactly what you’re going to get. I don’t say this as a punitive statement. I say it to aid a shift in perspective. We all want something for cheap. But the really important things in life, the best things, don’t come that way. We give our time to them, our attention, our focus. We even make sacrifices in order to achieve or preserve them. Our life is so extremely precious and its fleeting nature demands action if we are to gain that which we seek. To really realize this and to actively work towards a sincerely happy, fulfilling life is to understand the value of our existence. You get out what you put in. Start structuring your time to reflect the importance of happiness in your life. Start building a foundation for lasting and sustainable personal fulfillment. Happiness will be worth it.

Posted: April 13, 2014 in attention, dailyquote, IFTT, money
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Daily Meditation:

What do you really want in life? Don’t just answer. Listen to your natural intuition and then investigate it. Explore. Question. If you’re answer is a material thing throw it out. Get down to the core of what it is you want in your life, break it down to its smallest elements. If you do this what you’re likely to find is its simply, to be happy. This is what every human in the history of humanity wants.

So, what are you doing about it? Where does happiness lie on your list of priorities? In life we don’t get something of value without giving something of value. Do you buy your coffee because you, “Have to have it?” Do you complain about a coworker or “friend” you don’t really like? But can you name something you do consistently, at least daily, in an active, engaged pursuit of happiness? Whether its your time, attention, money, resources, opportunities to do other things all things have a cost. So if you’re answers to the previous questions were, “Well I don’t know.” or perhaps, “Nothing.” that is exactly what you’re going to get.

I don’t say this as a punitive statement. I say it to aid a shift in perspective. We all want something for cheap. But the really important things in life, the best things, don’t come that way. We give our time to them, our attention, our focus. We even make sacrifices in order to achieve or preserve them. Our life is so extremely precious and its fleeting nature demands action if we are to gain that which we seek. To really realize this and to actively work towards a sincerely happy, fulfilling life is to understand the value of our existence.

You get out what you put in. Start structuring your time to reflect the importance of happiness in your life. Start building a foundation for lasting and sustainable personal fulfillment. Happiness will be worth it.

Acting with arrogance as if you are invincible.. Good God Stop making yourself the center of attention cause this world does not revolve around you!! We are all humans and no one is better than any other no matter the age skin color or race we are different by the good we do which only God sees so just stop being nauseatingly pretentious!!!! Humility people HUMILITY!!!! #RealityCheck

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