Bruce Springsteen & Jimmy Fallon Take On Chris Christie’s Bridgegate With “Born To Run” Spoof

Posted: January 15, 2014 in Music

It’s the Boss v. the Governor.

Embroiled in multiple political scandals, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has just received his harshest rebuke yet, courtesy of the Garden State's real boss, Bruce Springsteen.

Christie — a Republican — is a major Springsteen fan, noting that he cried last year when the liberal rock legend, who regularly campaigns for Democratic candidates, finally acknowledged him in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. The two men hugged at the time, but that embrace is now ancient history after seeing Springsteen's latest appearance on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon.

The host and the rocker both donned Springsteen's signature Born in the USA-era outfit (complete with bandana, jeans, and a cut-off shirt) to play a modified version of the classic song “Born to Run” — with a dash of “Jungleland” at the end — reworked and titled, “Gov. Christie Traffic Jam.” The lyrics reflect the George Washington Bridge lane closures that were allegedly Christie's form of payback after the Mayor of Fort Lee, N.J. refused to endorse his re-election bid — retribution that Christie denies knowing about.

Seems like the Boss doesn't buy it.


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