You don’t have to wear expensive clothes to look good 不需要穿上華服突顯妳的美!─ @zooeydeschanel. Happy Birthday to our lovely “New Girl” Zooey! #ELLEnote #zooeydeschanel #newgirl #quote #quoteoftheday #dailyquote

Posted: January 17, 2014 in dailyquote, IFTT, You don't have to wear expensive clothes to look good 不需要穿上華服突顯妳的美!─ @zooeydeschanel. Happy Birthday to our lovely “New Girl" Zooey! #ELLEnot
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You don’t have to wear expensive clothes to look good 不需要穿上華服突顯妳的美!─ @zooeydeschanel.
Happy Birthday to our lovely “New Girl” Zooey! #ELLEnote #zooeydeschanel #newgirl #quote #quoteoftheday

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