Fred Armisen Will Be The Bandleader On “Late Night With Seth Meyers”

Posted: February 11, 2014 in Celebrity

It’s an SNL reunion already!

Seth Meyers and Fred Armisen will be together again on late night. NBC has confirmed that Armisen will be the permanent bandleader on his former SNL co-star's upcoming gig Late Night With Seth Meyers.

According to the network, Armisen will curate and lead the band, and will continue to run it even when he's shooting Portlandia, his sketch comedy series with Carrie Brownstein that's entering its fifth season on IFC.

It'll be quite the SNL reunion when Late Night With Seth Meyers launches on Monday, Feb. 24. Fellow alumna Amy Poehler is already scheduled to be Meyers' first guest.

And now, we just hope Kristen Wiig stops by soon too for more Garth and Kat.

Seth Meyers / Via Twitter: @sethmeyers

NBC via

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