Shia LaBeouf Is Appearing In An Art Stunt Called #IAMSORRY In Los Angeles

Posted: February 12, 2014 in Entertainment

He doesn’t say a word, and it’s kind of weird. Oh, and it’s across the street from BuzzFeed’s L.A. office.

Shia LaBeouf is appearing in an art exhibit called #IAMSORRY in Los Angeles.

Shia LaBeouf is appearing in an art exhibit called #IAMSORRY in Los Angeles.

As first reported by, LaBeouf is calling this a collaborative project with Finnish performance artist Nastja Säde Rönkkö, and meta-modernist Luke Turner.

The man by the doorway is a security guard, who waves a wand over you before you enter, presumably to check for weapons.

Adam B. Vary / BuzzFeed / Via Twitter: @adambvary

When a guest first enters the space, a woman offers you to choose one of many “implements” on a table.

When a guest first enters the space, a woman offers you to choose one of many "implements" on a table.

There was no photography allowed, but the implements include a leather whip, a pair of pliers, a vase of daisies, an Optimus Prime Transformer toy, a bowl of Hershey's kisses, bowl of folded slips of paper containing tweets about LaBeouf, a large bottle of Jack Daniels, a small bottle of Brut cologne, a pink ukulele, and the graphic novel The Death Ray by Daniel Clowes.

The choice of Clowes' book is especially pointed. LaBeouf's odd behavior began after BuzzFeed's story about how LaBeouf's short film was a shot-for-shot copy of Clowes' 2007 comic Justin M. Damiano.

Tobias Schwarz / Reuters

Then the guest is invited behind a black curtain, where (presumably) LaBeouf is sitting at a table, in a tuxedo, with a paper bag over his head with “I am not famous anymore” written over it.

Then the guest is invited behind a black curtain, where (presumably) LaBeouf is sitting at a table, in a tuxedo, with a paper bag over his head with "I am not famous anymore" written over it.

It's the same bag LaBeouf wore at the Berlin Film Festival premiere of director Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac.

LaBeouf — or a man who resembles LaBeouf — sits at the table, with his hands palms down on top of it, and does not say anything, no matter what is brought into the room with him. When I asked him if he was talking at all, he barely chuckled, and appeared to smile underneath the bag. At no point did he break eye contact with me, and the paper just underneath the eye-holes of the bag were wet, as if LaBeouf had been crying. He also did not interact with what I brought in, Clowes' book, even after I asked him to read it.

Multiple BuzzFeed staffers visited the exhibit — which is conspicuously across the street from BuzzFeed's Los Angeles office — and all reported similar, and similarly weird, experiences. One staffer, however, did shake LaBeouf's hand before leaving.

The exhibit is running from Tuesday through Sunday, Feb. 16. Apparently, LaBeouf is not sorry on a Monday.

Tobias Schwarz / Reuters


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