♡ ♡ ♡ Happy Valentines Day ♡ ♡ ♡

Posted: February 14, 2014 in Sudip Das - Google+ Public Posts
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Sudip Das – Google+ Public Posts

John Baez
originally shared:

♡ ♡ ♡ Happy Valentines Day ♡ ♡ ♡

You may not love math, but math loves you.

Here are some red heart-shaped cardioids rolling along a blue cycloid – drawn by Greg Egan, who probably never expected me to deploy this image in such a kitschy way. 

A cycloid is formed by rolling a circle along a line and tracing the motion of a point on that circle.  You can see a bunch of circles doing that here.  If their diameter is 1, the distance between neighboring circles is π. 

A cardioid is formed by rolling a circle on another circle of the same size, and tracing the motion of a point on the rolling circle.

Look carefully!    Each circle on top is rolling on the circle on bottom, and the marked point is tracing out a cardioid.  The tricky part is that the circle on bottom is also rolling, so the cardioid moves

And by how things are set up, the cardioid automatically rolls along the cycloid!

You can see a lot more pictures like this here:


especially in the comments!


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