But, there’s a lot of thing makes my world become so colorful XD Food, fashion, make-up, travelling, friends, and yaoi *oops..* #otaku #anime #quote #quotes #animequotes #otakuquotes #japanquotes #otakuandquotes #lifeguide #dailyquote #ryuk #shinigami #deathnote

Posted: March 9, 2014 in but, dailyquote, fashion, Friends, IFTT, travelling
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But, there’s a lot of thing makes my world become so colorful XD Food, fashion, make-up, travelling, friends, and yaoi *oops..* #otaku #anime #quote #quotes #animequotes #otakuquotes #japanquotes #otakuandquotes #lifeguide #ryuk #shinigami #deathnote

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