!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I am that tired after training, that I am asking myself why I’m doing this to me? I could do anything like all the others around me, chilling the whole day after school, sometimes learning, sometimes going for a walk…why am I making my life that stressfull, rushing around, dancing, going to school, learning, taking part of competitions, playing the violine, coming home, tired as f****, falling into my bed, without having even talked about my day with my parents…. And sometimes I realize….I AM DOING THIS FOR Me

Posted: April 4, 2014 in dailyquote, dancing, IFTT, learning
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Sometimes I am that tired after training, that I am asking myself why I’m doing this to me? I could do anything like all the others around me, chilling the whole day after school, sometimes learning, sometimes going for a walk…why am I making my life that stressfull, rushing around, dancing, going to school, learning, taking part of competitions, playing the violine, coming home, tired as f****, falling into my bed, without having even talked about my day with my parents….
And sometimes I realize….I AM DOING THIS FOR Me

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