So last night I posted a pic about how rough things have been for my family lately and how terrible things were that day. As you would imagine, today was rough. Especially trying to hide it. However, we had a banquet thing for my little brothers hockey league to go to and it just so happens that one of my friends brothers plays too so he was there also. His name is Chris and he happens to be gay. In the 2 hours that I spent with him, Chris made me forget what was so terrible about life and he made me forget that other people judged. He made me dance like no one was looking and he made me laugh like I wouldn’t have a tomorrow. Chris is a real friend and he didn’t even know what was going on. He knew I was his friend and he knew I needed him. And I that wasn’t enough to make my night, he asked me to slow dance with him to Wrecking Ball and so here we are trying to slow dance to it as he screams the words to me. I laughed so hard I almost cried but that’s not even the best part. The best part is that one of my friends little sister was there and she came over to me after Chris and I were done dancing. She said “I seen you dancing with that boy” so I laughed and said “yeah trying to, I’m not very good.” And the little girl looks at me and says “I’m telling my sister you have a boyfriend. Don’t worry, he’s cute.” Chris and I almost cried! The little girl made my night! On top of that, I got to remember what it was like to feel loved and cared about and on that note I want to thank any of you who cared enough to either comment your support on the last post or even just cared enough to read all of this. Thanks guys, I love you all <3 #trecool #trecoolquote

Posted: April 12, 2014 in quotes

So last night I posted a pic about how rough things have been for my family lately and how terrible things were that day. As you would imagine, today was rough. Especially trying to hide it. However, we had a banquet thing for my little brothers hockey league to go to and it just so happens that one of my friends brothers plays too so he was there also. His name is Chris and he happens to be gay. In the 2 hours that I spent with him, Chris made me forget what was so terrible about life and he made me forget that other people judged. He made me dance like no one was looking and he made me laugh like I wouldn’t have a tomorrow. Chris is a real friend and he didn’t even know what was going on. He knew I was his friend and he knew I needed him. And I that wasn’t enough to make my night, he asked me to slow dance with him to Wrecking Ball and so here we are trying to slow dance to it as he screams the words to me. I laughed so hard I almost cried but that’s not even the best part. The best part is that one of my friends little sister was there and she came over to me after Chris and I were done dancing. She said “I seen you dancing with that boy” so I laughed and said “yeah trying to, I’m not very good.” And the little girl looks at me and says “I’m telling my sister you have a boyfriend. Don’t worry, he’s cute.” Chris and I almost cried! The little girl made my night! On top of that, I got to remember what it was like to feel loved and cared about and on that note I want to thank any of you who cared enough to either comment your support on the last post or even just cared enough to read all of this. Thanks guys, I love you all ❤ #quotestoliveby #trecool #trecoolquote

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