Love this quote!! Happy Easter everyone for tomorrow, my diet is going great( I said sarcastically😓😫) Well as it’s Easter I’ll be having some treats, but as soon as my back to school🙅👎 none!! Haha, I’ve decided to become vegan! Starting from tomorrow, wish me luck👍 I probably will last, it’s just I will find it hard not eating chicken, I live on chicken😏 does anyone have any good vegan meal ideas that I can try? As I’m new👻#vegan#food#diet#easter#healthy#healthyfood#healthylife#healthyquotesdietmotivation#diettips#fitness#exercise#weightloss

Posted: April 20, 2014 in IFTT, instagram
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Love this quote!! Happy Easter everyone for tomorrow, my diet is going great( I said sarcastically😓😫) Well as it’s Easter I’ll be having some treats, but as soon as my back to school🙅👎 none!! Haha, I’ve decided to become vegan! Starting from tomorrow, wish me luck👍 I probably will last, it’s just I will find it hard not eating chicken, I live on chicken😏 does anyone have any good vegan meal ideas that I can try? As I’m new👻#vegan#food#diet#easter#healthy#healthyfood#healthylife#healthyquotesdietmotivation#diettips#fitness#exercise#weightloss

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