Life is sweeter when we get along and come together! When any one person, group, or nation fails we all fail! When one succeeds, we ALL succeed! Cooperation NOT Competition! WE ARE ALL ONE! “I choose partnership over separateness”. #dailyaffirmation #dailymantra #meditation #bringbackourgirls #cooperation #peace #animals #instaquotes #inspiration #dailyquote #instadaily #oneness #Universe #love #LoveSanctuary cc. @animals

Posted: May 8, 2014 in dailyquote, group, IFTT
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Life is sweeter when we get along and come together! When any one person, group, or nation fails we all fail! When one succeeds, we ALL succeed! Cooperation NOT Competition! WE ARE ALL ONE! “I choose partnership over separateness”. #dailyaffirmation #dailymantra #meditation #bringbackourgirls #cooperation #peace #animals #instaquotes #inspiration #instadaily #oneness #Universe #love #LoveSanctuary cc. @animals

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