There is a phenomenon that I cannot wrap my head around or begin to understand how it has become a mainstream occurrence of our contemporary society – That is, why do some people feel obligated to concern themselves so greatly with what other people are doing or how they are choosing to live their lives? A person’s goals and life is his or her own and it isn’t up to strangers to regale others with their unwarranted judgments. #dailyquote #quotesofig #dreams #goals #lifestyle #personalchoices #itsmylife #freetobeMe #nobodyaskedyou

Posted: June 3, 2014 in dailyquote, IFTT
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There is a phenomenon that I cannot wrap my head around or begin to understand how it has become a mainstream occurrence of our contemporary society – That is, why do some people feel obligated to concern themselves so greatly with what other people are doing or how they are choosing to live their lives? A person’s goals and life is his or her own and it isn’t up to strangers to regale others with their unwarranted judgments.

#quotesofig #dreams #goals #lifestyle #personalchoices #itsmylife #freetobeMe #nobodyaskedyou

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