Emerson said it best. Why take the path most travelled when all you see is what you would already expect? Take the road less travelled. Be brave. Live a little more. Push yourself to be the first in whatever field you are. The satisfaction reaped would be worth a million times more than doing what others before you have done. Be a trailblazer. #inspiration #emerson #risealarm #wordsofwisdom

Posted: July 15, 2014 in quotes

Emerson said it best. Why take the path most travelled when all you see is what you would already expect? Take the road less travelled. Be brave. Live a little more. Push yourself to be the first in whatever field you are. The satisfaction reaped would be worth a million times more than doing what others before you have done. Be a trailblazer. #inspiration #quotestoliveby #emerson #risealarm #wordsofwisdom

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