You will never find sustained happiness in materialistic items. Be thankful for all the little things in life. Your family, friends, roof over your head, your health, your job. All these things put together will bring long term happiness and joy! Have a great day everyone! #happy #success #achieve #inspire #inspiration #thinkgrowrich #universe #purpose #positive #affirmation #affirmations #successquotes #dreams #dailyquote #faith #gratitude #higherpower #lawofattraction #wealth #confident #believe #business #napoleonhill #mindcontrol #motivation #mindpower #adversity #joy

Posted: July 18, 2014 in dailyquote, Friends, IFTT
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You will never find sustained happiness in materialistic items. Be thankful for all the little things in life. Your family, friends, roof over your head, your health, your job. All these things put together will bring long term happiness and joy! Have a great day everyone!
#happy #success #achieve #inspire #inspiration #thinkgrowrich #universe #purpose #positive #affirmation #affirmations #successquotes #dreams #faith #gratitude #higherpower #lawofattraction #wealth #confident #believe #business #napoleonhill #mindcontrol #motivation #mindpower #adversity #joy

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