Visualize and meditate on your dreams, goals, and ambitions daily. Visualization helps activate your subconscious and prepares your brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resources you will need to achieve your goals. I personally sit in a comfortable position, close my eyes and imagine – with as much detail as possible – what achieving my goals would be like, where I need to be in one year, in five years, and what I need to sacrifice to get there. It is very similar to a mental rehearsal a professional athlete would do before an important game.

Posted: July 30, 2014 in dailyquote, goals, IFTT
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Visualize and meditate on your dreams, goals, and ambitions daily. Visualization helps activate your subconscious and prepares your brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resources you will need to achieve your goals. I personally sit in a comfortable position, close my eyes and imagine – with as much detail as possible – what achieving my goals would be like, where I need to be in one year, in five years, and what I need to sacrifice to get there. It is very similar to a mental rehearsal a professional athlete would do before an important game.

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