Everyday this rings louder and louder. Life is precious. Our time is valued. Our experiences are coveted. Wasting time worrying or fretting over things that have no relevance your your happiness are just that – irrelevant. Work smart. Love with truth. Love your passion. Do what you want. Simple. #quote #happy #truth #dailyquote #intention #simple #purpose #balance #breathe #flow #gratitiude

Posted: September 12, 2014 in dailyquote, IFTT
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Everyday this rings louder and louder. Life is precious. Our time is valued. Our experiences are coveted. Wasting time worrying or fretting over things that have no relevance your your happiness are just that – irrelevant. Work smart. Love with truth. Love your passion. Do what you want. Simple.
#quote #happy #truth #intention #simple #purpose #balance #breathe #flow #gratitiude

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