OutOfTheFog by wmoritzer

Posted: January 25, 2015 in nature
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Basically i wanted to shoot the sunset on this mountain range, but unluckily there was so much fog first, that these mountains were not visible. i arrived at this spot about 2 hours before sunset and wasn’t that happy as i recognized that the view is that bad and the only thing that i saw was a white wall in front of me…
i waited there an hoped that the fog will go away, and after about one hour of waiting there was a little hole in that fog-wall where i spotted the mountains…
set up my camera and started shooting. with time, the fog lifted and the mountains came through. i was able to capture a few pics and this is one of it, till the fog covered the whole area again and didn’t go away any more!
with the intention to shoot a sunset there, i got not that what i wanted, but instead some other beautiful shots i think! 🙂

i appreciate every critique and tipps, feel free to leave me a comment…

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thx a lot for your support!




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