Emma Watson Gave Young Women Inspiring Advice About Gender Equality On Twitter

Posted: January 28, 2015 in Celebrity

A reminder that Watson is a wonderful person.

While Emma Watson was promoting the UN Women’s “HeForShe” campaign, she took the time to tweet messages of support to young women asking how they can tackle gender equality in their lives.

While Emma Watson was promoting the UN Women's “HeForShe” campaign, she took the time to tweet messages of support to young women asking how they can tackle gender equality in their lives.

Mario Anzuoni / Reuters

Last September, Watson gave a speech about gender equality at the UN headquarters which was widely celebrated. Following the speech, the campaign drew 100,000 male supporters of the campaign in a mere three days.

In a Twitter Q&A she conducted about #HeForShe during her time at Davos last week, Watson answered many questions about the campaign.

In a Twitter Q&A she conducted about #HeForShe during her time at Davos last week, Watson answered many questions about the campaign.


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