For Everyone Holding Up Umbrellas For Famous People

Posted: January 29, 2015 in Music

This one is for you.

Hey, umbrella holders for famous people. Just want to let you know WE SEE YOU.

Hey, umbrella holders for famous people. Just want to let you know WE SEE YOU.

Splash News

And I wanna let you know that you’re doing a really good job of holding umbrellas for people that seem to be unable to do that.

And I wanna let you know that you're doing a really good job of holding umbrellas for people that seem to be unable to do that.

ENF/Fame Pictures

I know your arm must be tired from holding that damn thing.

I know your arm must be tired from holding that damn thing.


And chasing around your famous person making sure they aren’t exposed to the harsh elements of… the SUN.

And chasing around your famous person making sure they aren't exposed to the harsh elements of... the SUN.

Splash News

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