Pointing Cameras at Stuff by dss1960

Posted: February 1, 2015 in landscapes
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This is a similar image to one I’ve already posted. I think I like this one better because the mountain and the reflection are clearer with just a bit less fog.

I’m nervous to do much editing after reading all the comments lately on 500px regarding “real vs. fake”. I realize photography is a hobby for some and a profession for others. There are very passionate views regarding photo editing. It took me a long time to switch over from film because I thought digital was cheating.

Not now. I love the creativity digital brings. I’m just an old guy learning something new. The danger with that is that I focus more on exposure blending, saturation, white balance, etc. than the beauty that’s right in front of me.

I think Ryan Dyar is a premier photographer. I enjoy viewing his work on 500px and on his website. But I’m struck not only by the photography but by a statement he makes on the bottom of his homepage. “I point cameras at stuff”.

In the end, all my concern over post-processing can get in the way of the “stuff” right in front of me. I created nothing. I’m merely recording God’s incredible masterpiece that I’m fortunate enough to view as often as I can escape my 8 by 8 cubicle.

I can’t wait for spring so I can get back to Rainier, to my favorite spot. I can’t wait to spend less time worrying about the mechanics and more time enjoying the beauty. I can’t wait to point cameras at stuff.


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