14 Reasons Alan Rickman Would Make The Perfect Boyfriend

Posted: February 4, 2015 in Geeky

Let the swooning commence!

His killer smile would be enough to get you through any day.

His killer smile would be enough to get you through any day.

“Gather around, everyone! Come and see how ridiculously good looking I am! Don't be alarmed, there are medical personnel standing by in case anyone faints due to my unavoidable charm.” — Alan Rickman

Peter Kramer / Via Getty

You could listen to his sultry voice whenever you wanted.

You could listen to his sultry voice whenever you wanted.

It doesn't even have to be a full-fledged conversation, one simple “yes” or “no” uttered from his lips would make you blush.

Warner Bros. / Via thediaryofacurvygirl.tumblr.com

He would always be there to recite the best poetry when you’re feeling down.


“Is… is that… Shakespeare? Dear… Lord…”

Pandastic Me / Via YouTube

On rare occasions, you could even get Alan to sing special songs for you.


He may not have the best singing voice but him + that mustache + the instrument + the serenade offers IMMEDIATE swooning. How can you resist?

The Samuel Goldwyn Company / Via YouTube

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