John Legend Backs Out Of Party Over A Hotel’s Ties To Anti-LGBTQ Laws

Posted: February 5, 2015 in Music

John Legend refuses to support the Beverly Hills Hotel, which is owned in part by the infamous sultan of Brunei.

John Legend will not attend a Los Angeles Confidential party held in his honor at the Beverly Hills Hotel this week, The Hollywood Reporter says.

John Legend will not attend a Los Angeles Confidential party held in his honor at the Beverly Hills Hotel this week, The Hollywood Reporter says.

Getty Images for MAC Presents Charley Gallay

The hotel is owned in part by the current Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, who purchased the hotel in 1987 and transferred ownership to the Brunei Investment Agency four years later.

The hotel is owned in part by the current Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, who purchased the hotel in 1987 and transferred ownership to the Brunei Investment Agency four years later.

AFP / Getty Images AFP

In 2014, the Sultan imposed Sharia law that calls for, among other punishments, the stoning of LGBTQ individuals. Consensual anal intercourse between a non-married heterosexual couple is also punishable by stoning.

In 2014, the Sultan imposed Sharia law that calls for, among other punishments, the stoning of LGBTQ individuals. Consensual anal intercourse between a non-married heterosexual couple is also punishable by stoning.


Crossdressing individuals face hefty fines, imprisonment, or both.

Crossdressing individuals face hefty fines, imprisonment, or both.


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