Watch Hipsters Pretend They Know Who Fake Laneway Bands Are

Posted: February 5, 2015 in Music

What’s your favourite Forrest Gump song?”

Youtuber Jonathan Lee, inspired by Jimmy Kimmel’s similar series, went to the recent Laneway Festival in Singapore and asked a few questions.

Lee asked a bunch of different people what their thoughts were on some hip new US bands. Problem being… they didn't exist.

Turns out not everyone is completely truthful when asked whether or not they’d heard of a band…

Turns out not everyone is completely truthful when asked whether or not they'd heard of a band...

Lee also asked a few people if they could send a message to some of the imaginary bands:

Lee also asked a few people if they could send a message to some of the imaginary bands:

The whole thing was filled with… interesting responses.

The whole thing was filled with... interesting responses.

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