Ellen DeGeneres Scared Kristen Wiig Right Out Of Her Seat

Posted: May 8, 2015 in Entertainment

She ain’t afraid of no ghost. Wait, she totally is.

Kristen Wiig dropped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show and, of course, the new Ghostbusters movie came up.

Kristen Wiig dropped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show and, of course, the new Ghostbusters movie came up.

Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via ellentube.com

Obviously, Ellen had to ask this question.

Obviously, Ellen had to ask this question.

Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via ellentube.com

And just as Kristen was clarifying what she meant…

And just as Kristen was clarifying what she meant...

Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via ellentube.com

This happened.

This happened.

Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via ellentube.com

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