Posts Tagged ‘16-35’

“Best viewed on black”
The stars above seemed to cast an eerie glow on this stream in the backcountry of Olympic National Park.
Shot is composed of several 15 second exposures bracketed for depth of field.
Thanks for viewing.

Mont Aigoual, Cévennes , Gard, Languedoc, France.

A waterfall shot taken in Glacier Np. As the light began to change I found myself sprinting to get back to this location. I had just enough time to drop my tripod and fire off a few quick shots. All in all it was a good night.

Black back ground is my recommendation. Just click the photo(for PC vewing.)

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Taking a beautiful scene as beautiful in nature is pretty hard to me.
Rather I think I’m good at finding a hidden beauty in urban area.

So every Autumn I am always overwhelmed by its colorful, vivid, beautiful appearance.
However last year I could manage to shot some beautiful autumn scenes. So allow me to upload one of them even in the midst Winter.

This was from Mt,Minou, Osaka, where I live nearby. (Chech the map)
Minou is a famous sightseeing spot in Osaka, and every year so many people come to see its beautiful autumn leaves, and water fall.
But this place is a bit out of the main course. so no one come into “this area”. So I was lucky to find them.