Posts Tagged ‘ancient’

I don’t know about you guys, but to me this tree looks like is greeting us. Don’t you think? Similarly to my previous shots of Ancient Bristlecone Pine Trees, this one is close to 4500 years old and located in White Mountains, CA. Noticed two meteors shooting down. Also, the brightest dot in the sky (near the top center) is actually Orion Constellation, not a star.
Enjoy it on a black background.

Saint Pietro, Vatican, Rome, Italy

Today i had the opportunity to shoot the ancient part of Rome, known as the Roman Forum. i had a walk around the city since it took me a while to get there, through the early morning and i was almost hopeless about the sky, but yet when i approached the old city some colors begun to pop in the clouds. I rushed a little to arrive to the location i intended to shoot and started to look for the perfect angle, the colors in the sky were just amazing. and i was super excited to have the opportunity to at least see this natural phenomenon and even more capture that with my camera. It was simply stunning

I did 3 shots for this one (bracketed -1,0,+1) and than blended basically the 0 and +1 exposure since thats all i needed to achieve the perfect balance of light, the shot was fantastic from camera and very minor changes have been done in post processing, like some color correction in the foreground and also removing the tint from the sky reflection on the pavement

This is a concept I was thinking of already for a while. In october we (Focus Magazine) decided to use the concept for the workshop cover shooting for Focus Magazine.

The results of the participants I will upload today at my Facebook page 😉
This here is my version. Feel free to share

Models: Marcella Egter van Wissekerke en Robin Schnieders.

Hey Guys 🙂

I’ve revisited this shot from the Pinnacles W.A, I wanted to tweak a few things and make it a bit darker, Awesome place to shoot and can’t wait to head back this MIlky Way season 🙂

temple of poseidon

I’ve wanted to visit this site for a long time and finally got around to it on Tuesday. I hiked up to the archaeologic site around 10:30 in the morning. The low lying clouds in the Valley added to the mysticism of this amazing place. When I arrived I was the only one there, and it stayed that way for the next two hours. It was a very serene experience and much more powerful than I had imagined. I snapped a few shots while I was there. This image is a 3 shot composite. I really liked how this one turned out and I hope you do to.

I’ve wanted to visit this site for a long time and finally got around to it on Tuesday. I hiked up to the archaeologic site around 10:30 in the morning. The low lying clouds in the Valley added to the mysticism of this amazing place. When I arrived I was the only one there, and it stayed that way for the next two hours. It was a very serene experience and much more powerful than I had imagined. I snapped a few shots while I was there. This image is a 3 shot composite. I really liked how this one turned out and I hope you do to.

Old abandoned church

Pancake Rock at Punakaiki NZ