Posts Tagged ‘annoying’

GOOD NEWS!! You can experience a negative situation without becoming the negative situation! As you go about your day, you may find that some people are selfish, annoying, demanding, and just plain rude. Bummer right? I know it can be SUPER hard at times, but don’t absorb the negative feelings of people around you. Let those feelings bounce off you just like rubber! Don’t become the experience that THEY are having. YOU decide what’s going to happen to you during the day. Remember it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. You can separate yourself from it and be fascinated with their behavior without taking it on.

GOOD NEWS!! You can experience a negative situation without becoming the negative situation! As you go about your day, you may find that some people are selfish, annoying, demanding, and just plain rude. Bummer right? I know it can be SUPER hard at times, but don’t absorb the negative feelings of people around you. Let those feelings bounce off you just like rubber! Don’t become the experience that THEY are having. YOU decide what’s going to happen to you during the day. Remember it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. You can separate yourself from it and be fascinated with their behavior without taking it on.

This is what do when an annoying friend #shrek #donkey #cool #funny #smiley #like #look #sky #movie #enjoy #joke #friend #legend #proliferation #dasha #forest #similar #israel #cinema #zoo #magic #the_end

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