Posts Tagged ‘april’

A thin layer of snow covers Lofoten after a cold and windy night in Reinebringen.

Une fine pellicule de neige recouvre les Lofoten après une nuit froide et venteuse sur la crête de Reinebringen.

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Taken in the early morning at Rodney Stoke National Nature Reserve on the Mendips in Somerset. This is quite a big find for me. Every year I try to look for these resting overnight and each year has drawn a blank. This morning as I started on my way back to the car, this one just caught my eye perched on top of a Bluebell. So I had to stop and get the gear out and take a few shots. I was lucky really, as it was just starting to warm up, the sun was up and a few other Bee flies were flitting about. I had about 10 minutes before it flew away. As it happened the first shot in the series turned out to be the best. Press ‘M’ to view large. Visit Mendip Wildlife Photography

Butterfly by i8iphone

Posted: April 17, 2014 in nature
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Ha Ling covered in three layers of clouds April snow fall

April 2014 Lunar Eclipse – known as the Blood Moon photographed over a 3.5 hour period then composited in Photoshop

Upton Warren, April Sunset