Posts Tagged ‘astro’

Taken just outside the door of my dear friend Thrasivoulos Panou .
I dedicate it to him and his love for the dark skies of Rhodes!!!

640 x 40 seconds, f2.8, iso500

S.S. Specke shipwreck, Phillip Island.

The full moon sets over the edge of the earth, from Patrick’s Point. This is a 4 shot pano taken vertically with the 14mm Rokinon.

New Zealand

From our recent trip, the undoubted photographic highlight was our time around the volcanos (Taranaki and Tongariro). Conditions were far more favourable at Taranaki though moments before this it was not looking so good as she was covered entirely in cloud. As the cloud finally cleared, gaps in the mountain appeared and cloud appeared lit from below.

Presently, there seems to be a few threads and forum posts about how landscapes are overly manipulated to the same common end point and how much hate that seems to be generating. I loved this walk and in that moment, I was thrilled to see the mountain clear. I hope that’s forefront on your minds as you view this rather than any thoughts about how ‘generic’ it may appear with its exposure blend, hues and contrasts.

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Lake Bonney, South Australia

More photos on my Facebook Page or prints available on my Website

Needs to be seen on BLACK!

I traveled deep into the Anza Borrego, in search of the perfect road direction for the Milky Way arch. The galaxy at this certain area of the park is stunning. The light pollution near the core of the galaxy is minimal, and the light pollution towards the center of the photograph from Calexico and El Centro actually added a nice glow above the road.

From a technical perspective, basically the shot was achieved using 14 vertical images in two rows, with a 20MM lens to get the extremely wide perspective. The images were then stitched together using Adobe Photoshop CS6. This does not make the image a composite, it is actually a panorama. The integrity of the Milky Ways’ position and composition has been left natural. Some other processing I used included noise reduction, contrast, color correction, and bringing up the shadows of the foreground. This photograph was so fun to make, I hope you all enjoy viewing it as much as I did to create it.

Startrails of 140 exposures blended with a longer exposure for the foreground and lightpainted.