Posts Tagged ‘blackwhite’

Model: Sofi

© Gabriele Rescaldani

I shot this last fall when I got to revisit a place I lived many years ago. Much of the place, including these old silos, is largely abandoned now, but some of it remains almost exactly as I remember it and going back was very nice.

Shot from the Belém Cultural Centre – Centro Cultural de Belém

One can wish for death, find her a friend, or even a lover. The shadow that crossed the road behind and before you. Her steps are nimble and her laugh must be followed. You know she loves you, loves you like no other. She knows you better then you allow yourself to. The darkness you perceived is only your tired fears hanging from your body in tatters. Her hand long and elegant a beckoning to join a new waltz. Impossible to resist, a smile that has seen all and promises to show you some.
Story and photo by Monica Michelle with a HUGE thank you to Neil Gaiman for the inspiration

Hong Kong is not only big buildings and traffic jams, although it’s a big part of what the place is ;). It is pretty easy to go almost everywhere by public transport. The attractions are also part of the charm of this small city/nation where East meets West.

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A new experience in fine art 🙂