Posts Tagged ‘Canon EOS 6D’

Memories of last winter. The next one almost upon us…

The Mily Way @ ‘Parador de las Cañadas del Teide’

Hi guys 🙂
For some reason i was not able to upload this yesterday?
Seemed like 500px had the hickups or something?
Anyways, this shot was taken almost a year ago, the location is Storvatnet on Flakstad 🙂
Delicious place 🙂
Trying out the same location in a month or two 🙂
Have a great day 🙂
Johnny 🙂

In the middle of a foggy forest in Greece.

Hi guys 🙂
Here is a shot from a delicious summernight 🙂
Hope you like it 🙂
Johnny 🙂

Hi guys 🙂
Here is a shot from back in 2013, kinda forgotten about it but found it the other day 🙂
Not much new stuff from me at the moment, busy as hell with our house we are building and kinda busy at work at well!
But give me a few weeks and will be back on track 🙂
Anyways, i hope you like this 🙂
Thanks alot for all faves, likes and comments, it is much appreciated 🙂
Have a fantastic weekend 🙂
Johnny 🙂

Hi guys 🙂
Here is a shot from back in 2013, kinda forgotten about it but found it the other day 🙂
Not much new stuff from me at the moment, busy as hell with our house we are building and kinda busy at work at well!
But give me a few weeks and will be back on track 🙂
Anyways, i hope you like this 🙂
Thanks alot for all faves, likes and comments, it is much appreciated 🙂
Have a fantastic weekend 🙂
Johnny 🙂

Kattas im Tierpark Hellabrunn

Panorama vom Flamingogehege