Posts Tagged ‘cars’

A couple of days ago I was shooting an interior of a new restaurant in Yerevan and found this awesome view from the balcony,

two greatest iconic bridge in new york view from brooklyn

two greatest iconic bridge in new york view from brooklyn

Posting inspiration comes from a post by Francisco Marty, a good and talented fellow photographer found here on 500px, he posted an image the other day of a Manhattan sky line, mentioned me in his top comment, which was nice, and also replied to a comment that I made that he thought of seeing me pop between taxi cabs. So here it is, something I did indeed take while popping through cabs! 🙂 In case anyone is wondering it is all about how you manage the red and green lights to have time to get your shots in while at the same time staying alive……. 🙂

Hope everybody is doing great!

Posting inspiration comes from a post by Francisco Marty, a good and talented fellow photographer found here on 500px, he posted an image the other day of a Manhattan sky line, mentioned me in his top comment, which was nice, and also replied to a comment that I made that he thought of seeing me pop between taxi cabs. So here it is, something I did indeed take while popping through cabs! 🙂 In case anyone is wondering it is all about how you manage the red and green lights to have time to get your shots in while at the same time staying alive……. 🙂

Hope everybody is doing great!

A simple snapshot from yesterday morning. Please follow me here:
Facebook I Google + I Twitter I Instagram
Shot with my Canon 5D Mark ii and edited with actions from Beautiful World Foundations and Earthy Tints available here.

FREE download to follow me on your iPhone or Android: iPhone or Android

A simple snapshot from yesterday morning. Please follow me here:
Facebook I Google + I Twitter I Instagram
Shot with my Canon 5D Mark ii and edited with actions from Beautiful World Foundations and Earthy Tints available here.

FREE download to follow me on your iPhone or Android: iPhone or Android

What can I say, I am constantly seduced by city lights at night, and again often feel that black and white is the way to convey the energy and the mood the best.

Hope everybody is doing great!

What can I say, I am constantly seduced by city lights at night, and again often feel that black and white is the way to convey the energy and the mood the best.

Hope everybody is doing great!

So this past month I lost a childhood friend and another friend/co-worker to the Big -C (cancer). Both relatively young in age ( one in her early 30’s and one in her 50’s). Talk about a wake up call people. Life is a about people. Your bank account, degrees, houses, cars, shoes, handbags, and other material items cannot be put in the ground with you. So love hard and never leave for what you can do today for tomorrow.