Posts Tagged ‘CDM’

In San Diego, you can generally tell by the cloud formations during the day whether or not you will have good conditions for a colorful sunset. Recently, there have been beautiful clouds most of the day, and then near sunset, they all burn off leaving a clear sky. Not exactly ideal for a good sunset shot. This day however, the clouds rolled in and exploded with color as the sun set. Definitely up there with one of the most beautiful sunsets I have seen, especially with the calm tide pool reflecting the colorful sky. The only saturation for the shot was done by mother nature……..not Lightroom! It was so peaceful, not another soul around, except for the sea lions that kept swimming into the tide pool and sliding up on the exposed reef. Truly a gift to see this incredible sight!

I took this last month as last minute as it could possibly have been. I was actually drinking some beers at The Bruery in Placentia with my girlfriend and our friends and watching the rain pour down outside. I was debating whether or not to head to the coast and shoot what could be a potentially good sunset. After all just because it was pouring down rain in Placentia did not mean it had not partially cleared toward the coast. I was messaging Daniel Ryan Seeks who was in the same boat. We were both procrastinating like crazy. Finally I made my decision and jumped in my car and headed to Corona Del Mar. Daniel did the same and we got there just in time. As I was getting ready to head down to the beach I heard my last name being called and knew it had to be Leigh Anne Langman. Sure enough she got there at the same time. She was a tad bit more prepared then I however and headed down to the beach first. Point of fact we all missed some really stellar light and color, but caught the tail end of what was a rather impressive sunset.
Some of you have already seen my first posted shot from this evening titled FireWater.
That was taken a bit later than this shot and has a slightly different feel to it. I hope you all enjoy this one as well!

I took this last month as last minute as it could possibly have been. I was actually drinking some beers at The Bruery in Placentia with my girlfriend and our friends and watching the rain pour down outside. I was debating whether or not to head to the coast and shoot what could be a potentially good sunset. After all just because it was pouring down rain in Placentia did not mean it had not partially cleared toward the coast. I was messaging Daniel Ryan Seeks who was in the same boat. We were both procrastinating like crazy. Finally I made my decision and jumped in my car and headed to Corona Del Mar. Daniel did the same and we got there just in time. As I was getting ready to head down to the beach I heard my last name being called and knew it had to be Leigh Anne Langman. Sure enough she got there at the same time. She was a tad bit more prepared then I however and headed down to the beach first. Point of fact we all missed some really stellar light and color, but caught the tail end of what was a rather impressive sunset.
Some of you have already seen my first posted shot from this evening titled FireWater.
That was taken a bit later than this shot and has a slightly different feel to it. I hope you all enjoy this one as well!