Posts Tagged ‘chile’

Details of Paine Grande hill in Torres del Paine, Chile.

Sunrise light over Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile.

Sunrise light over Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile.

Quinoa Black Beans and Eggs served with avocado, tomatoes and chile peppers

Quinoa Black Beans and Eggs served with avocado, tomatoes and chile peppers

Torres Del Paine, Chilean Patagonia
The famous Torres Del Paine centerpiece — Cuernos del Paine. Thiswas the early morning sun hits the face of the mountain, and the dark stormy clouds glows and popes up!

#chile #cuernos #lake #patagonia #pehoe #salto grande #south america #travel #Cuernos #TorresDelPaines #adventure #chile #clouds #light #national park #nature #canon #canonmk5d3 #outdoor #outdoors #patagonia500 #storm

Torres Del Paine, Chilean Patagonia
The famous Torres Del Paine centerpiece — Cuernos del Paine. Thiswas the early morning sun hits the face of the mountain, and the dark stormy clouds glows and popes up!

#chile #cuernos #lake #patagonia #pehoe #salto grande #south america #travel #Cuernos #TorresDelPaines #adventure #chile #clouds #light #national park #nature #canon #canonmk5d3 #outdoor #outdoors #patagonia500 #storm

I am feeling so lucky that I can capture the first sunrise of 2015 at base Las Torres.Happy new year everyone!

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Caulle – puyehue mountain ridge eruption.

This is one of the photos from my Patagonia Photo Adventure 2014. Frankly, I took it somewhat accidentally. After a stormy night, I didn’t have much of a hope for a good light in the morning. I started my hike with a headlamp on, but I did it later than I normally would. The sky was dark and I couldn’t see much because I was hiking through a dense forest. When I got out of the forest, the first daylight started to come up and my reaction was…. OMG! My second thought was: I am not going to make it to the viewpoint. So I decided to shoot from this spot. I managed to scramble across slippery rocks to this big boulder in the middle of the river. What happened during the next couple of minutes is visible on the photo. The morning light somehow managed through the clouds and created this explosion of colors. This show lasted maybe for 15 minutes.

As you can notice it is not a typical shot that features cuernos of Torres del Paine because they were somewhat behind me. Instead, it showcases a bit of the off trail photo possibilities in Patagonia. Not many people visiting Patagonia get to see such places. I tend to check all possible off trail locations to capture on my photos these “hidden gems.”

I managed to get all the details out of single exposure and sky has minimal processing in Lightroom. So for these that might wonder: Photoshop didn’t paint it.

Quick reminder: My Patagonia Photo Adventure 2015 will take place from March 28 to April 11, 2015 in Argentina and Chile. If you are interested in joining me, email: or contact me via Facebook:

It is going to be a small group of photo enthusiasts that will join me on my Patagonia Photo Adventure 2015, but we will go to places that many commercial photo tours in Patagonia won’t ever see!