Posts Tagged ‘coastline’

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A re-processed version of a previous post.

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By far one of the most beautiful spots I have ever had the privilege of photographing. In order to get this composition I had to do a bit of climbing around fairly steep terrain but taking that extra step (aka stupidity) in my opinion is worth the effort.

This is a single exposure with a 10 stop B+W ND Filter (love these)

Located on the south/west coastline of Oregon

Icebergs glint in the sun after a storm on Jokulsarlon Beach Iclend

Icebergs glint in the sun after a storm on Jokulsarlon Beach Iclend

Best viewed on a black background (press ‘H’ then ‘M’).

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I took this last month as last minute as it could possibly have been. I was actually drinking some beers at The Bruery in Placentia with my girlfriend and our friends and watching the rain pour down outside. I was debating whether or not to head to the coast and shoot what could be a potentially good sunset. After all just because it was pouring down rain in Placentia did not mean it had not partially cleared toward the coast. I was messaging Daniel Ryan Seeks who was in the same boat. We were both procrastinating like crazy. Finally I made my decision and jumped in my car and headed to Corona Del Mar. Daniel did the same and we got there just in time. As I was getting ready to head down to the beach I heard my last name being called and knew it had to be Leigh Anne Langman. Sure enough she got there at the same time. She was a tad bit more prepared then I however and headed down to the beach first. Point of fact we all missed some really stellar light and color, but caught the tail end of what was a rather impressive sunset.
Some of you have already seen my first posted shot from this evening titled FireWater.
That was taken a bit later than this shot and has a slightly different feel to it. I hope you all enjoy this one as well!

I took this last month as last minute as it could possibly have been. I was actually drinking some beers at The Bruery in Placentia with my girlfriend and our friends and watching the rain pour down outside. I was debating whether or not to head to the coast and shoot what could be a potentially good sunset. After all just because it was pouring down rain in Placentia did not mean it had not partially cleared toward the coast. I was messaging Daniel Ryan Seeks who was in the same boat. We were both procrastinating like crazy. Finally I made my decision and jumped in my car and headed to Corona Del Mar. Daniel did the same and we got there just in time. As I was getting ready to head down to the beach I heard my last name being called and knew it had to be Leigh Anne Langman. Sure enough she got there at the same time. She was a tad bit more prepared then I however and headed down to the beach first. Point of fact we all missed some really stellar light and color, but caught the tail end of what was a rather impressive sunset.
Some of you have already seen my first posted shot from this evening titled FireWater.
That was taken a bit later than this shot and has a slightly different feel to it. I hope you all enjoy this one as well!

Snowy Owls typically migrate down to Washington State every 5-7 years depending on food availability. I encountered this amazing bird just after sunrise one very cold winter morning on Damon Point located in the coastal town of Ocean Shores. He/She flew directly at me at one point staring intently as if challenging me to a game of chicken! Thank you for viewing, voting and /or any constructive comments!

Pancake Rock at Punakaiki NZ

Rawi Bay at cape Panwa in Thailand Asia