Posts Tagged ‘colourful’

After long winter in the state of Black and White, finally color to my eyes.
Riding the Icy road to Rainbow county where color is bounty to the greedy few……………………………………………. Colorless time of winter for the needy, no one in sight.
Not even Color police (thieves) that steals red blue and orange in name of justice.
Color revolution, Light, hunger for rainbow bright, gorillas ready to fight.
They tell us what is best, meaning staying B&W for rest of our existence. Liers!!

In the middle of a foggy forest in Greece.

Summer sunset over the lavender field at Plateau De Valensole, Provence. Composite image (landscape + better sky).

Taken in the morning covered in fog

Taken in the morning covered in fog

Band-bellied Crake (Porzana paykullii) is a species of bird in the Rallidae family, found in China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore It is getting rare due to habitat loss and is in the NEAR THREATENED category. This shot was taken in the Japanese Garden in Singapore.

It’s just before sunset, taken with GND filter and CPL filter.

Israel, Nazareth, Basilica of the Annunciation, Stained glass window in the lower level with a silhouette of a cross in the foreground