Posts Tagged ‘Columbia River Gorge’

The peaceful and tranquil Punchbowl Falls Gorge in Oregon’s amazing Columbia RIver Gorge is a special place. Part of the uber-popular Eagle Creek trail – one of the finest hikes in the Pacific Northwest if not the entire USA – the Punchbowl is punctuated by the signature Punchbowl Falls. But to get to the view of the falls is not always easy – often time, and on this occasion, wading into the clear, swift-moving water is required. The result of wet boots and frozen feet is so worth it to get this view!

Layered sunrise color layers the view to Mt. Hood from Columbia Hills State Park, just across the Columbia River from Oregon in Washington. Balsamroots and lupines blanket the hillside in the last week of April.

Please view on black!

Here is Elowah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge from back in September. View this full screen on a Black background for better detail!

Spring in the Oneonta Gorge is a great thing, although the amount of trees, limbs and other debris left on the ground by this winter’s horrendous weather is a sight to behold. The entire area in front of the famous log jam is a jumble of downed logs and tree branches, which are likely to become a permanent part of the landscape. That’s how nature rolls, though. I hope you enjoy this view from deeper in the canyon. The deepest pool in front of the falls remains uncrossable without a full wetsuit or similar dry suit, so our chest waders only got us so far.

Brief break between two rain storms at Rowena Crest, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon.

Well photographed Multnomah Falls takes on a whole new look when mother nature works her ice magic on the grand dame of waterfalls here in Oregon. Enjoy!

This is the Oneonta Gorge in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon! It’s an amazing place!