Posts Tagged ‘curve’

Bond Street Underground Station, London, England

UPDATE MAY 2012 – Big thanks to Dario Mulas Debois for helping me out on the location of this photo, I have been trying for weeks to try and remember where I took it as I forgot to write it down, doh. I knew it was in that area someone so took a guess. Lesson learnt!

Guess the station game!! 🙂

Now I think I have got where I took this image wrong, I think it is Green Park Tube Station but not sure. For some reason I did not write it down where I took it like I normally do with other photos so at upload I can correctly geo-tag it. Sadly when I’m underground, my geo-tracker does not work so have to do it all manually.

I have thought long and hard about where I went that day and think it is Green Park unless anyone can tell me?

Guess this station, it could be a new game 🙂

What caught my eye in this photo was the orange in the curve and the cream tiles (that were quite dirty). They compliment each other very well and it was the look I was looking for.

It also reminds me of the U Bahn in Berlin with all the orange that they have there and infact I think it is the same colour orange.

Well I hope you all had an excellent weekend and it seems that the warm weather we have been having here in the UK has come to an end (well for now anyway).

Bond Street Underground Station, London, England

UPDATE MAY 2012 – Big thanks to Dario Mulas Debois for helping me out on the location of this photo, I have been trying for weeks to try and remember where I took it as I forgot to write it down, doh. I knew it was in that area someone so took a guess. Lesson learnt!

Guess the station game!! 🙂

Now I think I have got where I took this image wrong, I think it is Green Park Tube Station but not sure. For some reason I did not write it down where I took it like I normally do with other photos so at upload I can correctly geo-tag it. Sadly when I’m underground, my geo-tracker does not work so have to do it all manually.

I have thought long and hard about where I went that day and think it is Green Park unless anyone can tell me?

Guess this station, it could be a new game 🙂

What caught my eye in this photo was the orange in the curve and the cream tiles (that were quite dirty). They compliment each other very well and it was the look I was looking for.

It also reminds me of the U Bahn in Berlin with all the orange that they have there and infact I think it is the same colour orange.

Well I hope you all had an excellent weekend and it seems that the warm weather we have been having here in the UK has come to an end (well for now anyway).

Bond Street Underground Station, London, England

UPDATE MAY 2012 – Big thanks to Dario Mulas Debois for helping me out on the location of this photo, I have been trying for weeks to try and remember where I took it as I forgot to write it down, doh. I knew it was in that area someone so took a guess. Lesson learnt!

Guess the station game!! 🙂

Now I think I have got where I took this image wrong, I think it is Green Park Tube Station but not sure. For some reason I did not write it down where I took it like I normally do with other photos so at upload I can correctly geo-tag it. Sadly when I’m underground, my geo-tracker does not work so have to do it all manually.

I have thought long and hard about where I went that day and think it is Green Park unless anyone can tell me?

Guess this station, it could be a new game 🙂

What caught my eye in this photo was the orange in the curve and the cream tiles (that were quite dirty). They compliment each other very well and it was the look I was looking for.

It also reminds me of the U Bahn in Berlin with all the orange that they have there and infact I think it is the same colour orange.

Well I hope you all had an excellent weekend and it seems that the warm weather we have been having here in the UK has come to an end (well for now anyway).

Bond Street Underground Station, London, England

UPDATE MAY 2012 – Big thanks to Dario Mulas Debois for helping me out on the location of this photo, I have been trying for weeks to try and remember where I took it as I forgot to write it down, doh. I knew it was in that area someone so took a guess. Lesson learnt!

Guess the station game!! 🙂

Now I think I have got where I took this image wrong, I think it is Green Park Tube Station but not sure. For some reason I did not write it down where I took it like I normally do with other photos so at upload I can correctly geo-tag it. Sadly when I’m underground, my geo-tracker does not work so have to do it all manually.

I have thought long and hard about where I went that day and think it is Green Park unless anyone can tell me?

Guess this station, it could be a new game 🙂

What caught my eye in this photo was the orange in the curve and the cream tiles (that were quite dirty). They compliment each other very well and it was the look I was looking for.

It also reminds me of the U Bahn in Berlin with all the orange that they have there and infact I think it is the same colour orange.

Well I hope you all had an excellent weekend and it seems that the warm weather we have been having here in the UK has come to an end (well for now anyway).

Beautiful Piece of Architecture.

Tate Britain, London, England –

I decided to visit to the Tate Britain Art gallery after seeing some fantastic images from some of my Flickr contacts. This is a first time visit to here and I really enjoyed the visit, not just for the building itself but also for the art.

This is an image of the brand new staircase within the central hall of the Tate Britain which was only unveiled in November 2013 and I must say its fantastic. I really like the whole ‘high key’ feel to the place and this staircase, feels very clean and some would say clinical. This type of decoration and architecture always lends itself well to black and white photography hence the reason why I did this in black and white.

The staircase itself was a little difficult to shoot in the way of getting lined up, it does have some unusual shapes and angles not normally associated to spiral staircases. The bit I found most awkward to get lined up and make ‘feel’ right in the image is that bottom bit of the photo and the tiles at the bottom but I think I have managed to get it just so and ascetically pleasing to the eye.

Oh, what a sight this was flying out of Portland that day! I recalled my last trip to this area with Mount Rainier being under clouds most of the trip. To see this and the wide open expanses of this area…amazing! I used Capture NX2 with color control points to eliminate most of the atmospheric haze, bringing out more contrast with the mountains and folds of the Earth below.

via Flickr