Posts Tagged ‘daughter’

Angels live between us……..She is my light in my darkest times …

We aren’t perfect.
I learn new things every single day.
At the end of the day, I just want to be the best wife, mother, daughter, friend, and person I can be.
This is something we all should strive for in life.
Don’t you agree?

Lead by example as the saying goes. Talk less and do more. Your example today is a reflection of your family and friends. Your actions speak louder than words. Be the person that at the end of the day, you can look back and say you did your best today. Inspire others to follow your lead. Motivate others to live life. Encourage others to be a better father, mother, son, daughter, and friend. Be the type of person that when people meet you, they walk away being a better version of themselves. Be the light in someone’s dark cloud. Be the example friends… #positiveripple #positivelife #positivequote #inspirationalquote #motivationalquote

This is my daughter, my life.

via Flickr