Posts Tagged ‘death’

This is one of the first images I took at the sand dunes that Thanksgiving Day morning. I had set my alarm for 4:45 and got to the dunes about 5:15 sense it was only 3 miles from my campsite. As I was walking into the dunes I could see the first glimpse of color forming to the east so I hurried through the sand. 😉 I set up real quick hoping I could do a long exposure and capture some of the first colors. One thing I have noticed about desert sunrises or maybe more specifically Death Valley ones is that they can go through at least 3 color phases and sometimes more. What I mean is they can start some early colors and move back to gray and then start another color phase and move back to a lighter gray and then so on. The one thing that was hard about this shot being so long of an exposure was that there is a road that traverses just beyond the dunes and a car would come by (probably another damn photographer) 😉 about every 4 minutes so I took many shots to only get a couple with no headlights in the scene. 🙂

Signs of life and death.
A simple composite using 5 images.
Fb page-

Happy Halloween!

A few years ago at Hvitserkur rock, noth Iceland. I placed a horse skull out there as a foreground for the sunset shoot. Gotta have some wicked fun 🙂

Happy Halloween!

A few years ago at Hvitserkur rock, noth Iceland. I placed a horse skull out there as a foreground for the sunset shoot. Gotta have some wicked fun 🙂

Bohemian Forest, Czech-German borderlands – spruce trees were killed by the bark beetle


L A N D S C A P E P H O T O G R A P H Y facebook

Abandoned graveyard in the Gwaun Valley, Pembrokeshire

One can wish for death, find her a friend, or even a lover. The shadow that crossed the road behind and before you. Her steps are nimble and her laugh must be followed. You know she loves you, loves you like no other. She knows you better then you allow yourself to. The darkness you perceived is only your tired fears hanging from your body in tatters. Her hand long and elegant a beckoning to join a new waltz. Impossible to resist, a smile that has seen all and promises to show you some.
Story and photo by Monica Michelle with a HUGE thank you to Neil Gaiman for the inspiration

Lo Caballero (The River Wolf) by Hannah Ray

Blog post for this set, here:

Infrared world of insects using compact infrared camera

James 4:17 – “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin”