Posts Tagged ‘display’

Wet Lioness (Panthera leo) displays dangerous teeth when she yawns in the rain. Kruger National Park (South Africa)

Wet Lioness (Panthera leo) displays dangerous teeth when she yawns in the rain. Kruger National Park (South Africa)

Wet Lioness (Panthera leo) displays dangerous teeth when she yawns in the rain. Kruger National Park (South Africa)

Wet Lioness (Panthera leo) displays dangerous teeth when she yawns in the rain. Kruger National Park (South Africa)

Wet Lioness (Panthera leo) displays dangerous teeth when she yawns in the rain. Kruger National Park (South Africa)

One of the birds we see most often in Mikumi NP, but my favourite thing about this bird is his mating call. As described in Wikipedia – “the male retracts his head to his back, giving “a short rising wheezy whistle, zhweeeeee”, pauses in that position, and slowly raises his head, giving “a popping quock or plop followed by soft gurgling” Mikumi NP, Tanzania