Posts Tagged ‘dusk’

~ Raindance horizons ~
Paradise speedway of Ihorombe, Madagascar. I couldn’t stop for a pic so I freehanded the shot from the passenger seat.
This lens is perfect for landscape shots, just preset to infinity and expose for the sky.

The expectation from a sunset is to be different every time

Must be viewed on black! Click on the image!

Nightfalls. –

This is a reprocess of an older shot that I had posted way back. I saw it and hated what a shitty job I did so decided to do it again.

This waterfall is located on Þjórsá river, Iceland’s longest river, in the south of Iceland. The mountain in the background is called Búrfell, and the volcano Mt. Hekla, which is expected to erupt soon, is close by.

The waterfall is called “Þjófafoss” which in english means “Thieves Falls”. The icelandic word for a thief is “Þjófur” and the icelandic word for “waterfall” is “foss”.

Apparently, thieves were drowned there a long time ago, hence the name.

Nikon D300 + Tokina 11-16/2.8 & Lee 0.9 ND Grad.

© Jóhannes Gunnar Skúlason

Another shot from Bombo, a really popular but unmissable location, the swell was 4 meters and it was pretty nerve wracking even this far back!
I will be back for more, with mosquito repellant !

Venice by anndreia

Posted: February 3, 2015 in Fine Art
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I Need A Sign

Where to, which way is ours?
As the captains need their compasses to chart their courses,
I need your sign to bring the vessel on, so that together,
We can find calm waters and forget even the worst storm.
And as the lonely eagle needs the lighthouse’s guidance,
I need your sign too to find my way,
To join you on solid grounds and be prosper.
Too the soothsayers need sign to tell fortunes of tomorrow,
I need signs from you as well to make a solid call.
And as do lovers need signs to fall in love,
I need yours too.
I gauge, I search and I try to feel
Even the slightest gesture of yours:
When that sweet little sigh “Aye” you say you mean yes,
I take it as the very sign I’m longing for.
Thanks dear, I know I have it now and will need no more.

Edwin Leung

South Australia

The Obelisk stands watch over the entry to Robe in South Australia. This was one of the most memorably mornings I can remember photographing when anticrepuscular goodness was going off opposite the sunrise. I much prefer the panoramic version of this scene but doesn’t translate well as a square crop lol.

[Web Gallery , Prints, Tutorials]

In life we aren’t always sure. Doubt is a part of human nature and we all experience it at some level. Did we do it right? Is it correct? What if I’m wrong? Doubt that grows out of control is the fuel of inaction and the sibling of failure. But sometimes we do know. Sometimes, there is no doubt. And when I pressed the shutter to capture this moment I knew….epic.