Posts Tagged ‘ears’

Winnie is a magical little dog, her spirit as pure and white as all that ice and snow around her.

You’d think with howling wind and snow and borderline sub zero temperatures, that this sweet little lady might just want to run and hide. But not this girl – Winnie is the perfect adventure companion. An impossibly big spirit and heart in a teeny tiny package. On this particular afternoon, she delighted in the chill of the air and the softness of the snow. Wagging, smiling and bounding about across the frozen landscape – her smile was relentless – her joy, tangible in the chill of the air.

When I look at this image that I had the privilege of capturing of sweet Winnie very recently – mid howling New England snow storm – all I can think of is magic and adventure – and how perfectly it sums up her bold, brave spirit.

In just one tiny, perfect moment – the wind came through wildly, whipping up her ears, as flakes of snow began to dance like magic all around her – flying in on the tails of a blustery midday snow squall, whooshing and whistling. Frozen chunks of sky and land, pirouetting in endless circles across the landscape of an otherwise sunny Winter afternoon.

My fingers almost froze to my camera getting this shot while Winnie sat proudly like a superstar. Her sparkling eyes peered into my lens, and quietly prodded about what was next on our next epic adventure. (just as an adventure companion should.) 🙂

Winnie is a magical little dog, her spirit as pure and white as all that ice and snow around her.

You’d think with howling wind and snow and borderline sub zero temperatures, that this sweet little lady might just want to run and hide. But not this girl – Winnie is the perfect adventure companion. An impossibly big spirit and heart in a teeny tiny package. On this particular afternoon, she delighted in the chill of the air and the softness of the snow. Wagging, smiling and bounding about across the frozen landscape – her smile was relentless – her joy, tangible in the chill of the air.

When I look at this image that I had the privilege of capturing of sweet Winnie very recently – mid howling New England snow storm – all I can think of is magic and adventure – and how perfectly it sums up her bold, brave spirit.

In just one tiny, perfect moment – the wind came through wildly, whipping up her ears, as flakes of snow began to dance like magic all around her – flying in on the tails of a blustery midday snow squall, whooshing and whistling. Frozen chunks of sky and land, pirouetting in endless circles across the landscape of an otherwise sunny Winter afternoon.

My fingers almost froze to my camera getting this shot while Winnie sat proudly like a superstar. Her sparkling eyes peered into my lens, and quietly prodded about what was next on our next epic adventure. (just as an adventure companion should.) 🙂

This photo was taken with my 70-200 and was taken at 70mm. Never been so close to a fox before, and have to admit, it was pretty exciting. Instagram: cjm_photography

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