Posts Tagged ‘Easter’

Blossoming cherry trees framing the nice blue sky with the sun

Our little girl enjoying her 2nd Easter with some hunting.

A Páscoa é uma das datas comemorativas mais importantes entre as culturas ocidentais. A origem desta comemoração remonta muitos séculos atrás. O termo “Páscoa” tem uma origem religiosa que vem do latim Pascae. Na Grécia Antiga, este termo também é encontrado como Paska. Porém sua origem mais remota é entre os hebreus, onde aparece o termo Pesach, cujo significado é passagem. Entre as civilizações antigas Historiadores encontraram informações que levam a concluir que uma festa de passagem era comemorada entre povos europeus há milhares de anos atrás. Principalmente na região do Mediterrâneo, algumas sociedades, entre elas a grega, festejavam a passagem do inverno para a primavera, durante o mês de março. Geralmente, esta festa era realizada na primeira lua cheia da época das flores. Entre os povos da antiguidade, o fim do inverno e o começo da primavera era de extrema importância, pois estava ligado a maiores chances de sobrevivência em função do rigoroso inverno que castigava a Europa, dificultando a produção de alimentos. A Páscoa Judaica Entre os judeus, esta data assume um significado muito importante, pois marca o êxodo deste povo do Egito, por volta de 1250 a.C, onde foram aprisionados pelos faraós durantes vários anos. Esta história encontra-se no Velho Testamento da Bíblia, no livro Êxodo. A Páscoa Judaica também está relacionada com a passagem dos hebreus pelo Mar Vermelho, onde liderados por Moises, fugiram do Egito. Nesta data, os judeus fazem e comem o matzá (pão sem fermento) para lembrar a rápida fuga do Egito, quando não sobrou tempo para fermentar o pão. A Páscoa entre os cristãos Entre os primeiros cristãos, esta data celebrava a ressurreição de Jesus Cristo (quando, após a morte, sua alma voltou a se unir ao seu corpo). O festejo era realizado no domingo seguinte a lua cheia posterior al equinócio da Primavera (21 de março). Entre os cristãos, a semana anterior à Páscoa é considerada como Semana Santa. Esta semana tem início no Domingo de Ramos que marca a entrada de Jesus na cidade de Jerusalém. Easter is one of the most important holidays among Western cultures . The origin of this celebration dates back many centuries ago. The term ” Easter” has a religious origin which comes from the Latin Pascae . In ancient Greece , this term is also found as Paska . But its most remote source is among the Hebrews , where the word Pesach , meaning passage appears . Among the ancient civilizations Historians have found information that leads to the conclusion that a party was celebrated passage between European peoples thousands of years ago. Mainly in the Mediterranean region , some societies , including Greek , celebrating the passage from winter to spring, during the month of March. Generally , this party was held on the first full moon of the season of flowers . Among the peoples of antiquity , the end of winter and beginning of spring was extremely important , because it was linked to higher chances of survival due to the inclement winter punish Europe , hampering food production . The Passover Among Jews , this date assumes major significance as it marks the exodus of the people of Egypt , around 1250 BC , where they were imprisoned by the pharaohs Durantes several years . This story is found in the Old Testament of the Bible , in the book of Exodus . The Passover is also related to the passage of the Hebrews through the Red Sea , which led by Moses fled from Egypt . On this date , the Jews do and eat the matzah ( unleavened bread ) to remind quick escape from Egypt , when not left time to leaven bread . Easter among Christians Among early Christians , this date celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ (where , after death , his soul returned to join his body) . The celebration was held at subsequent full moon following the spring equinox al (March 21 ) Sunday. Among Christians , the week preceding Easter is regarded as Holy Week . This week begins on Palm Sunday, which marks the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem .

Symbol by dhopkins

Posted: April 20, 2014 in animals
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➤ Symbol I struggled to find an image to convey my feelings of hope and gratitude for the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ on this Easter Sunday. I liked this image, but it’s not the classic symbol of a dove – it’s a seagull, photographed while on the Staten Island Ferry in New York Harbor. I learned that in Native American spirituality, seagulls symbolize purity and opportunity, among other things, and that they are regarded as spiritual messengers, indicating that a higher communication is taking place. Similarly, thanks to the Savior, Jesus Christ, we can be made pure, we can have opportunity to begin again, and we can communicate with and eventually return to our Father in Heaven. I hope the feel of the photo can communicate hope and peace to you and draw your thoughts to God in gratitude for the miracle of Easter and all it represents. Website | 500px | Flickr | Facebook | Google+ See this and more in higher quality:

This image is taken from the series “Easter Egg Hunt”, a project I have undertaken specially for Easter. The project was initially inspired by Emma Davis (Twitter @LovingOurPics) who shared a project of taking 20 shots of one object. I really liked this idea and was thinking about what I could photograph in a similar way. While trying to find milk (I am Lactose intolerant so either drink Lactose Free or Goats milk) in Tescos, I saw all the Easter tat for sale and these bright eggs jumped out at me. I bought the eggs and ate the sweets inside and then got to thinking about different compositions.

I’m away from tomorrow for some Spanish culture and sunshine in Barcelona, so have a very Happy Easter everyone! I will be thinking of you all :))