Posts Tagged ‘Eduardo Catalano’

A Floralis Generica é uma escultura metálica situada na Plaza de las Naciones Unidas, entre a Avenida Figueroa Alcorta e Austria, no bairro Recoleta, da cidade de Buenos Aires, presenteada à cidade pelo arquiteto argentino Eduardo Catalano.

A escultura se situa no centro de um parque de quatro hectares arborizados, cercado por trilhas que oferecerem diferentes perspectivas do monumento, que está localizado acima de um espelho de água. Além da função estética, o espelho d’água protege o monumento.

Uma das características da flor é um sistema elétrico que abre automaticamente e fecha as pétalas, dependendo da hora do dia. Durante a noite a flor fecha e emana de seu interior um brilho vermelho e abre-se pela manhã. Este mesmo mecanismo que abre a flor faz com que esta se feche na presença de ventos fortes. Ele abre todas as manhãs às 8h e termina ao pôr do sol, em um horário que varia conforme a estação. Quando da inauguração, problemas técnicos impediram seu fechamento, mas estes foram resolvidos dois meses depois.

Há quatro noites especiais em que as pétalas estão abertas: 25 de maio, 21 de setembro e 24 e 31 de dezembro.

Segundo o autor, Floralis significa que seja parte da flora e genérica derivada do conceito de “gênero” e indica que ela representa todas as flores do mundo.

Floralis Genérica is a sculpture made of steel and aluminum located in Plaza de las Naciones Unidas, Avenida Figueroa Alcorta, Buenos Aires, a gift to the city by the Argentine architect Eduardo Catalano. Catalano once said that the flower “is a synthesis of all the flowers and is both a hope that is reborn every day to open.”[1] It was created in 2002. The sculpture moves closing its petals in the evening and opening them in the morning.

The sculpture is located in the center of a park of four acres of wooded boundaries, surrounded by paths that get closer and provide different perspectives of the monument, and placed above a reflecting pool, which apart from fulfilling its aesthetic function, protects it. It represents a large flower made of stainless steel with aluminum skeleton and reinforced concrete, which looks at the sky, extending to it its six petals. Weighs eighteen tons and is 23 meters high.

One of the characteristics of the flower is an electrical system that automatically opens and closes the petals depending on the time of the day. At night the flower closes, emanating a red glow from inside, and reopens (“…is reborn…”) the following morning. This mechanism also closes the flower if strong winds blow.

It opens every morning at 8 and closes at sunset, on a schedule that changes according to season. When its petals were inaugurated, they didn’t close due to technical problems which were solved two months later.

There are four special nights in which the petals are open: May 25, September 21, December 24 and December 31.

According to Eduardo Catalano, the author, Floralis “means belonging to the flora and therefore the flowers”, and Genérica “from the concept of “gender” and indicates that it represents all the flowers in the world”.