Posts Tagged ‘europe’

One of the rare winter mornings with snow and sun currently. Captured on climbing rock “Wehlnadel” in Saxon Switzerland, Germany

One of the rare winter mornings with snow and sun currently. Captured on climbing rock “Wehlnadel” in Saxon Switzerland, Germany

I think, this is my best picture of the azorean central group. It shows many facets from setting the sun on the right to the moon on the left side. The picture was captured from southern coast of São Jorge round about 140 m above sea level in the Bay of Arraia. The foreground shows the typical grazing areas of the Azores, separated by walls made of lava rocks. The background left boasts the island of Pico. The stratovolcano, which gave the name for the whole island, is with 2.351 m the highest mountain of Portugal. On the right hand side is situated Faial. The sea between São Jorge and Pico is approximately 20 km broad. This Panorama, stiched from 34 Images at 70mm with 167 degrees horizontal angle of view, was captured at sunset four days before full moon.

Wahrscheinlich mein bestes Bild von den Zentralgruppe der Azoren. Es zeigt viele Facetten von der untergehenden Sonne rechts und dem Mond auf der linken Seite. Das Bild wurde auf der Südseite von São Jorge, etwa 140 Höhenmeter oberhalb der Bucht von Arraia aufgenommen. Der Vordergrund zeigt die für die Azoren typischen Weideflächen, die durch Mauern aus Lavastein getrennt sind. Im Hintergrund auf der linken Seite liegt die Insel Pico mit dem 2.351 m hohem Stratovulkan, dem höchsten Berg Portugals, welcher der Insel den Namen gibt. Rechts davon ist die Insel Faial zu sehen. Das Meer ist zwischen São Jorge und Pico etwa 20 km breit. Das Panorama aus 34 Einzelbildern bei 70mm Brennweite mit einem horizontalen Bildwinkel von 167 Grad entstand bei Sonnenuntergang vier Tage vor Vollmond.

Longitude Building, Mann Island, Liverpool, Merseyside, England –

Hope you all had a great weekend.

My second photo from my trip to Liverpool last week and this is the Longitude Building on Mann Island in Liverpool. The original intention was to do a long exposure on the building which I did manage to get but just didn’t work. Although there was a lot of clouds as you can see in this image they tend to blur out during a LE image as they were so fine in detail and there was not much in the way of breaks in the clouds.

It took me a little while to get this all lined up perfectly as you can see the lefthand side of the building is slightly different to the right hand side, something that messed with my eyes even with the Live View and EVF my Sony A99 has. I bet a looked like a bit of an idiot scrambling around on my knees trying to get it all lined up, but which photographer hasn’t does this? Come on own up ;-).

I just love the craftsmanship of this building, looks very well put together and all those lines really attracted me to it but my favourite part has got to be those reflections off the glass. I keep finding myself looking at them.

Have a great Monday!

This is almost the straight out of camera shot. I have only adjusted the highlight and shadow a little bit and the blue cast is due to the Lee Big Stopper which I used for the long exposure.

Lake Bled, in Slovenia at sunrise. It was a cold winter morning in Slovenia, and a foot of snow dropped the night before. The scene was set for a beautiful and clear morning on Lake Bled.

Aerial View on Saint Julien and Spinola Bay at Dawn, Malta

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Aerial View on Saint Julien and Spinola Bay at Dawn, Malta

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Also please visit my Anshar Photography website!

The Alps are one of the great mountain range systems of Europe stretching approximately 1,200 kilometres across eight Alpine countries from Austria and Slovenia in the east, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, and France to the west, and Italy and Monaco to the south. The mountains were formed over tens of millions of years as the African and Eurasian tectonic plates collided.

at the end of this pier you can see on the right side the first hills of the Esterel ( Var / France )