Posts Tagged ‘evening’

Conversation between old tree and the clouds.

Even though the tree was dead but her soul is still remains in our mind.

Just want to upload something different. This is a test shot with my new telephoto lens. This is one shot with minor color and contrast adjustment. I love it and just want to share here. Thanks for stopping by and supporting my works everyone!

Photographed by: Nhut Pham
Location: Huntington Beach, CA

Social Network:
Nhut Pham Fine Art American | 500PX | Website | Flickr | Facebook Page

Oregon coast sunset at Bandon Beach.

Yesterday Tre Cime photo I tried to adjust to the colour version! This version is idea of my friend, because he should like to see yesterday photo Tre Cime BW in colour version!!!

~ Raindance horizons ~
Paradise speedway of Ihorombe, Madagascar. I couldn’t stop for a pic so I freehanded the shot from the passenger seat.
This lens is perfect for landscape shots, just preset to infinity and expose for the sky.

*** by sting2710

Posted: February 4, 2015 in street
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Taking at Manhattan Beach Pier, CA after work with my friend! We knew the date that the sun would be at the middle of the pier at sunset! So we were here early to wait for this moment. It was a great sunset that day and there were a lot of photographers came out to take photo. But I was so surprised that no one came and took photo under the pier except me and my friend. Maybe they didn’t know about this or they already took photos like this. Anyways, this pier is not popular as the Scripps pier in San Diego. I heard that there were a lot of photographers came to Scripps pier to capture a moment like this, so I’ve never been to that pier for the shot because of the crowd. I chose to take similar photo at Manhattan Beach and it’s not bad at all! 🙂
I really like this photo and I can’t wait for the next time. Thanks for stopping by and supporting my works everyone!

Photographed by: Nhut Pham
Location: Manhattan Beach, CA

Social Network:
Nhut Pham Fine Art American | 500PX | Website | Flickr | Facebook Page

A beautiful Fall evening at the Columbia River Gorge. The mighty Columbia River (fourth largest river by volumn in the United States) seperates the borders of Washington State and the State of Oregon. This image is taken from the Washigton side. Thank you for viewing, voting and/or any constructive comments!